Although Albania is a small country, it offers a variety of landscapes and activities for its visitors, from north to south, from east to west.
Albania is the ideal place for active holiday lovers, enabling them to get to know nature and archaeological parks, valleys, mountain trails, lakes, castles, museums, wonderful coastline and much more.
Holidays in Albania are an opportunity to relax and gain new energy.
It is interesting, all the foreign tourists or travellers who come to the country want to learn more about the history, traditions and everything related to the albanian culture. In the same time they want to experience everything like a local, starting from the cousine, learning folk dance, taking the long walks and hikes, etc.
On the other hand, all the Albanian tourists who visit the country, thay just want to enjoy the relaxing part of the trip, they just don’t show any other interest about things I have mentioned above. Actually this handicap makes Albania a unique place for incoming tourists who can enjoy the attractions all for themselves, having no locals to interrupt them.
I forgot to tell you something which is very important to the foreign tourists and travellers, Albanians love guests and they really want to make them feel like they are at their home.
What can I say more about Albania in the first glance?
All I can say is: Albania is a unique country whose peole love and enjoy sharing everything they have wth anyone from this world.